It all began over double espressos. I was with M. X, a noted flaneur from Arizona, a criminal state if ever there was one. After putting a sachet of Sweet n Low in our cups I noticed him take a handful of the petite pink pouches and put them in his pocket. He winked at me,that evil, conniving wink, and said, "This is the one thing you'll never have to buy again". I had no comment at the time but what with the collapse of Lehmann Bros., the housing bubble that burst in my face and my stock portfolio ahchored to AIG, I began my one-man crime wave. At first I took just a few packets from Starbucks, never too many,and never the blue or yellow packets. Jamais!
Can I ever go straight? I have withstood the disgust of my wife and daughter and Inspector Cluzot is after bigger fish. I expect some friendly waitress could dissuade me or I could be arrested on the spot by an ambitious busboy. Why do I continue? As Willy Sutton said when he was asked why he robbed banks, "That's where the money is". Well, for me,that's where the coffee is.
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