Sunday, July 25, 2010

Welcome back to Mad favorite TV show

It was Andy Warhol who said, "Success is a job in New York". It certainly seemed that way to me in 1960 when I was just coming up in the advertising business. The only trouble was that I was stuck in Vancouver BC, an advertising backwater if there ever was one. So I just had to watch Bobby Morse sing his way through "How to Succeed in Business without really trying". I had to sit on the edge of my seat through "West Side Story". Meanwhile I was hounding my boss for a raise (the one I got was $25 a month). I knew I had to leave. So we went to Toronto first but that was a lateral move to appease my Canadian soul. I was fired and went job hunting in NY and Detroit and got a job offer at big agencies in both places on the same day and took the one in Detroit (NY could always come next). After the Detroit riots of 1967 I got the job of International Creative Director which meant I flew to Europe through NY. And so it came to pass that I was in Manhattan for a layover when the doyenne of advertising head hunters, Judy Wald, invited me to a VIP cocktail party in the Pan Am building. There I was among the elite of the ad world...the Don Drapers of the world...when all of a sudden I stepped out of the circle with Jerry Della Femina, Mary Welles, Whit Hobbs et al. and said, "Gosh, I have to go!" "Where", they asked. "I have to get up to the roof so I can catch my helicopter to JFK and make my flight to Amsterdam." Andy Warhol's statement that we would all be famous for 15 minutes comes to mind but for me it lasted about 20 seconds. I'm the only one in my family who has never lived or worked in NY. My revenge was 5 years in London, Zurich and Amsterdam. No Mad Men there but plenty to drink and smoke. Besides, I never worked with anyone as cool as Don Draper...what a pleasure to watch that agency!

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