Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The gentleman is a dope.

He isn’t very smart. I’m using a title from a Broadway musical since I’m talking about a congressman from New York named Weiner Airhead. He’s the guy who posted his shortcomings in titillating tweets, then denying it and lying about it. What a twit, he’s dumber than I was in junior high.
It’s still fairly innocent stuff compared to our other “leaders’: the adulterous ex. Senator Ensign, the mentally muscle-bound Arnold and too many others on the Federal payroll.
We’re too dumb to be governed anyway. If you read the news carefully you’ll see that all politicians represent themselves first and then us if it suits them.
They’re not statesmen, they’re actors like Reagan and Arnold, B picture hacks. There was a New Yorker cartoon years ago showing their favorite middle aged, middle class matron sitting in front of her television wistfully saying, “I wish Gene Kelly would run for something.”
I’ve just been told that the New York Congressman’s name is Anthony Weiner. Weiner Airhead is the guy who started EST back in the ‘70’s.

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