Monday, July 23, 2012

So sue me!

Student loan debt is now over $1 trillion. These loans cannot be discharged in bankruptcy. So thousands of young people and their families are held hostage by the courts and their banking masters. They have been betrayed by their dreams and will have to sacrifice their lifestyles and be robbed of their future lives for decades. No more home equity to lean on. A $34,000 (that's modest) debt will in time grow to $50,000 with interest over a standard ten year period. What to do? Stop paying the lenders who hold 90% of college tuition debt. They've been bailed out and have billions in the coffers. The rest goes to bonuses. You can keep paying the 10% of the debt held by. the government since the terms are far more lenient. You could meet your obligations if only you could find a decent job. You could apply for a scholarship but there aren't many Chinese Running Backs in college football. Or you can just stagger along and bear the crushing weight of the loan. Maybe even drop dead in self defense in your cubicle. Or you can take the advice of the headline in this blog. Fold your arms and stop paying so you can get on with your life. What can they do, take away your education and degree? No, they only want the money. If enough of you do this you'll probably get a better deal down the line. You have nothing to lose but your credit cards.

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