Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The gentleman is a dope

The Governor of Nevada, one Jim Gibbons, is in the midst of a messy divorce. The front page of today's (April 7) Reno Gazette Journal screamed "Gibbon's wife: He cheated!" The first lady, (who is obviously not as important as the second lady or the third) insists that the Governor had affairs with a former Playboy model and another woman. This guy is a Republican so no remorse of course. It might be different if he were charming and competent but he is neither. He has an abysmally low approval rating. I suppose all the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players but this affair is not very Shakespearean. It seems more like a Billie Holiday
song: "Don't explain...you cheat and you're my joy and pain" For those who don't follow Broadway the title of this blog is a song from "Allegro" the now forgotten musical written by Rodgers and Hammerstein between Oklahoma and Carousel.

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