Thursday, April 2, 2009

Where's the safest place for your money now?

The casino. Why the casino? Because it's honest. There are no Bernie Madoffs or Alan Stanfords or Wall Street sharpies to hornswaggle you out of your money. I live in Nevada and am in the casino all the time and the Gaming Board is a lot stricter than the SEC. You make your bets just like you did with your 401K. Win and you put the money in your pocket or lose your limit, have a drink and live to fight another day. Join the player's club (every casino has one) and start building your comps with every coin you play. Pretty soon you'll be getting a free meal and many other goodies. At my local casino in Minden, Nevada they'll even comp you free gas and groceries. A casino is more fun and more on the level than your broker. Check out for their excellent gambling site.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, and at least Las Vegas cheats you fair. The payoffs are posted and it's easy to calculate odds of winning (unlike Wall Street)...and there's always hope while the dice bounce are still bouncing.

